We tend to spend a lot of money on products that literally go right down the drain. Not only can this get expensive but it’s not great for the planet either. Save on costs and save the planet by using natural bathroom products. Organic hair care Caring for our hair is a daily activity. Running […]
Having your periods is already such a stressful and emotional time of the month and period products should not be adding on to it. Sanitary pads and tampons are not only pricey but also a health hazard, as well as harmful to the environment. So what should you use instead? Womankind has three products that […]
The instant act of the national lockdown due to COVID-19 has affected our lives in a scary way. The idea of always having to be aware, clean (by washing our hands) and practising social-distancing in activities that we complete every day has made normal life difficult – especially with the idea of staying home basically […]